【Mail Server Maintenance!】- 上海语通翻译有限公司
  • Shanghai Translation Company
  • 上海翻訳会社
  • Shanghai Translation Company
  • Shanghai Agenzia di traduzioni
  • Shanghai Empresa de Traducción
  • Société de Traduction Shanghai
  • 상해 번역 회사
  • 上海翻译公司

您的位置:上海翻译公司>语通新闻>Mail Server Maintenance!

Mail Server Maintenance!

Thanks great effort by our IT staffs, we finished maintenance of our mail server, now our email server is in good order.It should take more time to debug our website server. Referring to BBS, we will setup again and hope it will work well next week. Shanghai Uniwords Translation Co., Ltd.


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    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-news.php on line 55
    即日起,语通翻译网站开始改版,如您发现任何异常,请告知我们!多谢! 上海语通翻译有限公司

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    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-news.php on line 55
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