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In US, headlines write themselves: Cold Warimagery resurrected in Sochi bashing


The campaign to boycott the Sochi OlympicGames in the Western media appears to be thriving on almost the same imagerywas used three decades ago, at the peak of the Cold War, to project fears ofthe USSR ahead of the 1980 Moscow Olympics.


For months leading up to the biggest sportevent of the year widespread calls to boycott the 2014 Sochi Olympics saturatedthe Western media and social networks.


With numerous online and offline boycotts,protests and petitions around the world it led to a number of world’s leadersnot attending the opening ceremony of Sochi Olympic Games. Barack Obama, AngelaMerkel and David Cameron chose to ignore the festivities, a move criticized byThomas Bach, head of the International Olympic Committee.


Sports should not be “used as a stage forpolitical dissent or for trying to score points in internal or externalpolitical contests,” Bach said at the games’ opening, praising those worldleaders who did visit the ceremony.


The Sochi 2014 Olympics have become acatalyst for anyone dissatisfied with Russia’s internal or external policies toexercise their wittiness with sharp caricatures, overblowing certain problemsto catastrophic proportions.


In such a manner, legislation that outlawspropaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors has been presented tothe international community as a full-scale crackdown on the gay community in apotentially dangerous place for Olympic Games visitors.



The only gay bar in Sochi was eventually “mobbedby foreign journalists eager to capture how the local gays live now thatRussia… is internationally known for hating gays,” New Republic wrote. Havinginterviewed several people inside the bar the author of the article came to theconclusion that “the only people who bother them, it seemed, were the foreignjournalists.”


Andrew Kreig, author of several books onnews coverage in America, sees nothing surprising in the way foreigncorrespondents have been desperately seeking persecuted Russian gays.

对美国新闻报道著有几本专著的作者Andrew Kreig对外国记者急于寻找被迫害的俄罗斯同性恋的做法并不感到惊讶。

“That’s aclassic case that happens all over the place when reporters think they knowwhat the story is and all they are trying to do is to find someone to attach aname and a face to a story that’s almost written in a reporter’s or editor’shead,” Kreig told RT.


However, the LGBT theme has become prettymuch the only fresh idea in the Olympics-bashing campaign, while most of theothers seem to be based on Cold War era stereotypes. Handcuffs, barbed wire andmalicious-looking bears have migrated from the magazine covers of 34 years agoto those of 2014.


Western phobia of Moscow’s military mightwas prevalent in 1980’s, whenit was inspired by the USSR’s presence in Afghanistan. And the same phobiaseems to still exist in the 21st century, despite Russia not being engaged inany military conflict.




The fall of the Berlin Wall has left theworld without a major symbol of totalitarian oppression. The substitute, however,seems to have been found in the image of the Kremlin wall.


Another idea, that’s not particularly freshis drawing parallels between the Nazi Germany, the 1980 Moscow Olympics and the2014 Sochi Winter Games. This is nothing short of an insult for millions ofRussians whose grandparents sacrificed their lives to battle fascism.


Barb-wired Olympic rings have dominatedcaricatures both in the past and present. In the Soviet Union it was used as aneffective tool to call attention to a relative lack of freedoms in the‘totalitarian Soviet system’. For the new Russia, it has been mostly used tosignify the increased security measures 

implemented for the safety of theGames’ athletes and visitors.



Olympic rings in the form of handcuffshave, in both 1980 and 2014, been used to symbolize the lack of human rights inthe USSR and modern-day Russia.


Even Russians who are critical of thegovernment have found this old-school smear campaign upsetting and irritating.A collection of old magazine covers has recently appeared in a Global Identificationblog, prompting an outpouring of negative comments.


“These arefamiliar themes both to the public but also to the owners and also many of theold-time reporters,” Andrew Kreig told RT. “So people fall into a comfortablepattern that actually extends back many decades. People just took the oldmagazine covers and said ‘Let’s just update it for this Olympics.’”

“公众,所有者,以及许多旧时代的记者们都很熟悉这些主题。所以人们很习惯的就进入了几十年前的那种状态。人们把这些老照片拿来,然后说‘让我们用这些老照片来报道这次的冬奥会吧。’”Andrew Kreig说。

The 1980 Games’ boycott was of coursenothing enjoyable. In the long run, however, it’s been mostly forgotten insideRussia, which cherishes the warmest memories of the first Olympics it hosted.


4.02.2014 01:18
China and Russia are set to heavilyincrease their military spending next year forcing the US to increase their 17trillion dollar national debt.This is exactly how the USSR collapsed because they were forced to increasetheir military spending. Now China in particular are doing the same thing toAmerica. LOL. China knows this will result in the fall of America.

It’s Bye Bye American Pie and Goodnight Irene all rolled into one pal.



Blackberry 14.02.2014 01:12
Evan 14.02.2014 00:56
I said conventional not a nuke fight a nukefight would be a tie bud we would destroy the world
A conventional war eh pal? Like the one in Afghanistan where the Taleban kickedyour butt to kingdom come? LOL Yep, that’s right pal, the Taleban defeated theUSA.Americ a is already destroying the world and has been for many years. Howeverwith the rise and rise of Russia and their mates in China the US is doomed.


Evan 14.02.2014 01:02

[quote name=’Blackberry’ time=’14.02.201400:34′]Th e ordinary American citizens are generally friendly and hospitable just likethe people from Russia, however, the majority of Americans are extremelyuneducated and ill informed.
Unlike people from other countries most Americans like you do not have apassport therefore have never traversed the world to learn more about othercultures. To many Americans people residing in other countries are just anothertarget for the US military.
[/quot e]

im 16 have a passport maintain a 3.6GPA have already traveled to anothercountry multiple times go fuc k yourself




Evan 14.02.2014 00:56

RichardD 14.02.2014 00:47
Rus sia’s hypersonic ballistic missile, air defense and tactical nuclearcapability are second to none. It’s the only nation capable of obliterating theUS in 30 minutes. Their civil defense and population survivability are far superiorto the US. Getting involved in a war with Russia thinking that you can win itis a very bad idea.

perhaps you are commenting with your eyes closed I said conventional not a nukefight a nuke fight would be a tie bud we would destroy the world




Blackberry 14.02.2014 00:39

SoiCowboy 14.02.2014 00:05
Interesting. But seriously, you Russiansare terrible people. Nobody should like you

I know America is terribly upset that the Russians don’t worship and obeyAmerica like the EU.



Charlie Craig 13.02.2014 23:10
Charlie Craig 13.02.2014 23:04
Th e jews pitting the white nations against each other, again.

don’t fight fellow whites, whites unite!(not under EUSSR) or our populationwill fall by another 500 million in the half next century(which it’s projectedto at our current birth rate we’ll lose 500 million people in the next 50 yearsalone) which will bring our population down to 200 million(worldwide) then inanother 50 years of jewish mysgination propganda andmass immigration whites won’t exist at all, Yes jews are pushing this(barbraspectre) and no they are not white so it’s genocide.



Josh 13.02.2014 23:09

This is another classic example of themanipulative Western media propaganda that influences hatred and phobia ofsocietal groups, ethnicities, culture and countries by simply focusing on thenegatives. Politicizing the Olympic Games, winter or summer, is just patheticand shows a severe lack of moral respect. The West is just a big kid throwing atantrum and it’s sincerely embarrassing. I’m glad the Russian Federation haveSochi 2014, to show the world what Russia is capable of and they haveoverwhelmingly impressed many viewers. It’s a shame that it has to be demonizedby some media institutions.




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