The Company may change your length of stay as determined by business objectives, or for any other reasons, but the offer is contingent upon special circumstances with respect to your employment with the Company.
For the avoidance of doubt, this offer is not an employment contract, and the employment relationship will only commence when you sign an employment contract with and begin working for the Company.
If this offer conflicts with your employment contract, the terms and conditions in the employment contract shall prevail.
You are required to sign, on or prior to the actual start date, an employment contract, an employee confidentiality agreement, an acknowledgement of and agreement to abide by the Company’s employee handbook and other policies and procedures, and such other documents the Company may reasonably request you to sign.(3) Since the Company will provide you with Company-sponsored, professional skills training, you are also required to sign a service term contract with the Company and agree to pay certain liquidated damages as set out in the contract should you violate the contract.
您必须在实际开始日期或此前签署雇佣合同、员工保密协议、确认书和一份遵守公司员工手册、其他政策和程序的协议,以及公司有理由要求您签署的其他类似文件。 由于公司将向您提供由公司出资的专业技术培训,所以您还必须与公司签订一份服务期限合同,而且如果您违反了该合同,您同意支付本合同中所述的一定数额的违约金。
Tags: English translation 劳动合同书翻译 劳动合同协议翻译 英译中 英语翻译
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