head [hed]头
throat [θrəut]喉咙,咽喉
skull [skʌl]颅骨
neck [nek]脖子
shoulder [ˈʃəuldə]肩部
back [bæk]背部
chest [tʃest]胸部
rib [rib]肋骨
spine [spain]脊柱
abdomen [ˈæbdəmən, æbˈdəʊmən]腹部
waist [weist]腰部
navel [ˈneɪvəl]肚脐
hip [hip]臀部
thigh [θai]大腿
calf [kæf]小腿肚
joint [dʒɔint]关节
wrist [rist]手腕
elbow [ˈelbəu]肘部
ankle [ˈæŋkl]踝
heart [hɑ:t]心脏
liver [ˈlivə]肝脏
spleen [spli:n] 脾脏
lung [lʌŋ]肺
kidney [ˈkidni]肾脏
stomach [ˈstʌmək]胃
pancreas [ˈpæŋkri:əs, ˈpæn-]胰脏
gall bladder 胆囊
intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn]肠
blood vessel 血管
vein [vein]静脉
artery [ˈɑ:təri]动脉
nerve [nə:v]神经
brain [brein]大脑
spinal marrow 脊髓
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THE PRESIDENT: Earlier today I spoke with members of my economic team. They updated me on the state of our economy. This morning we learned ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Its not every day that Americans look forward to hearing from the Internal Revenue Service, bu...
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THE PRESIDENT: Last month House leaders declared that they needed 21 additional days to pass legislation giving our intelligence professionals ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, President Basescu, thank you all very much. For nearly six decades the NATO Alli...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Laura and I are on our way to a very important NATO summit, and members of the United States Congress are o...
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THE PRESIDENT: Glenn, thanks for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to speak to the Economic Club of New Yor...
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<P class=0 style="LAYOUT-GRID-MODE: char"><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: rgb(0,51,153); FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial'; mso-spacerun: 'yes...
Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Friday, I traveled to New York City to talk about the state of our economy. This is a top...
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PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO: (As translated.) Dear Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from Europe, where I attended the NATO summit and witnessed the hopeful pr...