【中译英:合同协议翻译案例–软件评估许可协议】- 上海语通翻译有限公司
  • Shanghai Translation Company
  • 上海翻訳会社
  • Shanghai Translation Company
  • Shanghai Agenzia di traduzioni
  • Shanghai Empresa de Traducción
  • Société de Traduction Shanghai
  • 상해 번역 회사
  • 上海翻译公司







第一条 定义

1.1 产品:系指甲方研发、生产、销售的手机、平板电脑等移动终端设备。
1.2 许可软件:系指由甲方拥有软件授权的,依据本协议授权乙方使用的**及源代码。
1.3 商业标识:系指本协议一方拥有或基于协议或法律规定拥有及控制的任何商标、商号、名称、字号、特定的图形、文字及其它标志、标识。

第二条 授权内容

2.1 甲方授权
2.1.1 甲方仅授权乙方以内部评估为目的在本合同指定产品中对许可软件进行必要的复制、安装、使用,禁止使用于任何商业目的的用途。
2.1.2 授权性质:在中国大陆地区范围内非独家的、不可转授权、不可转让的有限许可。
2.1.3 授权期限:自本协议生效之日起6个月,如需延长由双方另行协商确定。
2.2 权利限制
2.2.1 对许可软件进行反向工程、反编译、反汇编;
2.2.2 修改、删除许可软件中包含的版权声明;
2.2.3 对许可软件进行修改、衍生开发;
2.2.4 将许可软件以出租、出售、分发等形式提供给第三方;
2.2.5 不得以任何形式泄露给第三方;
2.2.6 其它甲方未明确许可乙方行使的权利。

第三条 知识产权

3.1 许可软件(包括但不限于许可软件中所含任何图画、录像、录音、文字、代码及文档)的所有权及其中所包含的知识产权均归属于甲方。
3.2 乙方行使本协议项下之授权时,应按甲方指示使用和展现甲方及许可软件的商业标识;未经甲方书面许可,乙方不得修改甲方及许可软件的商业标识,也不得在本协议约定范围外使用甲方及许可软件的商业标识。
3.3 乙方对许可软件的任何建议所产生的知识产权均归甲方所有。

第四条 保密义务

4.1 甲乙双方及其雇员均应对本协议项下的所有信息和文件内容承担保密义务。该保密信息内容包括但不限于:产品及其相关信息、许可软件及其相关信息、洽谈往来文书、一方的经营信息(产品价格、推广模式、渠道信息)、一方的合作伙伴信息等。
4.2 非经对方书面许可,一方不得以任何形式向其他第三方公开、透露、提供、复制上述保密信息。
4.3 双方对本条所述之保密义务并不随协议的终止而终止,接收方应对保密信息持续承担保密义务直至该等信息进入公知领域。
4.4 一方违反本条之保密义务的,另一方有权单方终止本协议,并要求对方赔偿其遭受的直接经济损失。
4.5 本协议终止后或协议期内,乙方接到甲方正式通知后,乙方应将甲方保密信息立即永久删除、销毁,甲方有权进行相关审查。

第五条 违约责任

5.1 除本协议另有约定外,一方违反本协议约定之义务的,守约方有权书面通知违约方纠正其违约行为,违约方在收到书面通知后30日内仍未纠正其违约行为的,守约方有权单方终止本协议,并要求违约方赔偿其遭受的直接损失。
5.2 乙方不得超出授权范围使用甲方许可软件,否则甲方有权单方解除本协议,并要求乙方赔偿甲方遭受之直接经济损失。
5.3 非经甲方书面许可,乙方不得对许可软件进行反向工程、反编译或反汇编,也不得对许可软件进行修改、升级、改造或衍生开发,否则甲方有权单方解除本协议,并要求乙方赔偿甲方遭受之直接经济损失。
5.4 乙方应对甲方提供的许可软件及相关资料进行妥善保管并承担相应的保密义务,如因乙方之过错导致甲方保密信息丢失或泄露的,乙方应赔偿甲方遭受之合理经济损失(包括但不限于律师费、公证费、诉讼费、赔偿金等)。

第六条 协议期限与终止

6.1 本协议及其附件自双方盖章之日起生效,有效期与授权期限相同。
6.2 一方如需提前终止本协议的,应至少提前15个工作日书面通知对方,双方协商一致后可终止本协议。
6.3 本协议的终止不影响双方依据本协议既已产生的权利义务及其它依据其性质在本协议终止后应继续有效的条款的存续。

第七条 法律适用与管辖

7.1 本协议之订立、解释、执行以及所产生的一切纠纷均适用中华人民共和国(港澳台地区除外)的法律。
7.2 因本协议履行过程中所产生的一切纠纷,双方应先行友好协商解决。如30天内协商未果的,任何一方可将争议提交甲方住所地有管辖权的法院解决。

第八条 其他

8.1 由本协议任何一方通过电子邮件或传真方式发送至对方的涉及双方权利义务的通知,均须随即以书面函件形式通过快递送达至对方在本合同中所列明的地址。
8.2 本协议之附件为本协议不可分割的一部分,与本协议具有同等法律效力。
8.3 本协议及附件均一式贰份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。


Software Evaluation License Agreement

Based on the principle of friendly cooperation, mutual benefits and joint development, both Party A and Party B have agreed as follows concerning the licensed use of relevant software after friendly negotiations:

Article 1 Definition

The definition is applicable for the interpretation and execution of all articles of the agreement.
1.1 Products: refers to the mobile terminal devices such as mobile phone and tablet PC etc. developed, produced and sold by Party A.
1.2 Licensed software: refer to the ** and source code licensed to Party B for use by Party A.
1.3 Commercial identifications: refer to any trademark, trade name, designation, name, specific figure, text, other marks and identifications owned or possessed or controlled by one party based on the agreements or laws.

Article Licensed Content

2.1 License from Party A
2.1.1 Party A authorizes Party B to copy, install and use the licensed software for the products specified in the contract for internal evaluation purpose only, and not for any other commercial purpose.
2.1.2 Nature of license: the license is non-exclusive, non-sublicensable and non-transferable in the mainland, China
2.1.3 License period: 6 months since the agreement takes effect. If it needs to be extended, both parties shall discuss otherwise.
2.2 Limitation of rights
Without written approval of Party A, Party B shall not by itself or allow any third party to conduct the following to the licensed software:
2.2.1 Have reserve engineering, decompiling and deassembling to the licensed software;
2.2.2 Modify, delete the copyright statement contained in the licensed software;
2.2.3 Amend, carry out derivate development to the licensed software;
2.2.4 Lease, sell, distribute or otherwise provide the licensed software to any third party;
2.2.5 Disclose it to any third party;
2.2.6 Any other rights not expressly licensed by Party A to Party B to exercise.

Article Intellectual Property

3.1 The ownership of the licensed software (including but not limited to any image, video, recording, text, code and files contained in the licensed software) and the intellectual property contained thereof shall belong to Party A.
3.2 When exercising the license hereof, Party B shall use and show the commercial marks of Party A and the licensed software; without the written approval from Party A, Party B shall not modify the commercial marks of Party A and the licensed software, nor use it beyond the scope specified in the agreement.
3.3 Any intellectual property arising out from the suggestions of Party B to the licensed software shall belong to Party A.

Article 4 Confidential Obligation

4.1 Both Party A and Party B and their employees shall keep confidential all the information and documents under the agreement. Such confidential information shall include but not be limited to: the products and their relevant information, the licensed software and its relevant information, negotiation correspondences, business information of either party (product price, promotion mode and channel information); the partner information of either party etc.
4.2 Without the written approval of the other party, no party shall make public, disclose, provide or duplicate the above mentioned confidential information to any third party in any way.
4.3 The confidential obligation of both parties hereof shall not terminate with the termination of the agreement. Instead, the receiving party shall continue to undertake the confidentiality obligation until such information is made public.
4.4 If one party breaches the confidentiality obligation, the other party shall be entitled to terminate the agreement unilaterally, and ask for indemnity from the other party for any direct economic loss caused thereof.
4.5 After the termination of the agreement or within the agreement validity, once Party B receives the formal notice from Party A, Party B shall immediately delete and destroy the confidential information permanently, and Party A shall be entitled to check the detailed situation.

Article 5 Liability for Breach

5.1 Unless agreed otherwise hereof, if one party violates the obligation under the agreement, the observant party shall have right to notify the default party to make corrections. If the default party fails to do so in 30 days after receiving the written notice, the observant party shall be entitled to terminate the agreement unilaterally, and ask for indemnity from the default party for any direct loss caused thereof.
5.2 Party B shall not use the licensed software beyond the licensed range, or otherwise, Party A shall be entitled to terminate the agreement unilaterally, and ask for indemnity from Party B for any direct economic loss caused thereof.
5.3 Without the written approval of Party A, Party B shall not conduct reverse engineering, decompiling or deassembling to the licensed software, nor amend, upgrade, transform or conduct derivate development to the licensed software, or otherwise, Party A shall be entitled to terminate the agreement unilaterally and ask for indemnity from Party B for any direct economic loss caused thereof.
5.4 Party B shall keep properly the licensed software and relevant documents provided by Party A, and undertake corresponding confidentiality obligation. If the confidential information is caused lost or disclosed due to any fault of Party B, Party B shall indemnify Party A for any economic loss caused thereof (including but not limited to the attorney’s fee, notarial fee, litigation fee and compensation etc. ).

Article 6 Term and Termination of Agreement

6.1 The agreement and its annexes shall enter effect after sealed by both parties, with the validity same as the licensed period.
6.2 If one party wants to terminate the agreement in advance, a written notice should be presented to the other party with 15 working days in advance before both parties terminate the agreement by consensus.
6.3 The termination of the agreement shall neither affect the existing rights and obligation under the agreement, nor the survival of the articles which should continue to be valid after the termination of the agreement according to its own nature.

Article Applicable and Governing Law

7.1 The conclusion, interpretation and execution of the agreement as well as all disputes arising out thereof shall be governed by the laws of People’s Republic of China (except Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan).
7.2 Any dispute arising out during the performance of the agreement shall be settled in a friendly way through negotiations by both parties first. In case of any failure through negotiations in 30 days, either party can submit it to the competent local court where Party A is located.

Article 8 Others

8.1 Any notice sent by either party to the other party via E-mail or fax concerning the rights and obligations hereof shall be sent immediately via courier to the address of the other party listed in the contract.
8.2 The annexes of the agreement shall form an integral part of the agreement with same legal force as the agreement.
8.3 The agreement and its annexes are made out in duplicate, with each party holding one copy respectively, which shall have same legal validity.



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