【热门单词:“追逃追赃”用英文怎么说?】- 上海语通翻译有限公司
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Prosecutors nationwide will clamp down on corrupt officials this year and step up the hunt for those who have fled abroad, according to the top procurator.


“追逃”的英文表达就是hunt for those who have fled abroad。不仅要“追逃”,还要recover ill-gotten gains(追赃),并进一步加强preventing suspects from fleeing the country(防逃)工作。

检察长称,那些可能会逃往国外的duty-related crimes suspect(职务犯罪嫌疑人)将会更早地被禁止离境。Duty-related crimes(职务犯罪)通常表现为offering and taking bribes (收受贿赂)和dereliction of duty(玩忽职守)。

根据公安部的数据,现在中国在境外有500多名economic fugitives(经济逃犯),由于中国和许多国家都没有签署extradition treaties(引渡条约),因此抓捕外逃贪官难度很大,当前抓捕贪官的关键就在于阻止贪官离境。这些贪官在离境前都会通过underground banks(地下钱庄)或非法投资等money laundering(洗钱)活动来transfer property(转移资产)。


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