【英语单词分类记忆之政治】- 上海语通翻译有限公司
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colony / 5kRlEni/ 殖民地

democracy / di5mRkrEsi/ 民主政治

dynasty / 5dinEsti/ 朝代

extinction / iks5tiNkFEn/ 消灭

feudalism / 5fjudlizEm/ 封建制度

administration / Edminis5treiFEn/ 政府

aggression / E5greFEn/ 侵略

ambassador / Am5bAsEdE/ 大使

anarchy / 5AnEki/ 无政府状态

announcement / E5naunsmEnt/ 公告

aristocracy / Aris5tRkrEsi/ 贵族政治

autonomy / R:5tRnEmi/ 自治

ballot / 5bAlEt/ 选票

bill / bil/ 法案

bloodshed / 5blQdFed/ 流血,屠杀

bureaucracy / bjuE5rRkrEsi/ 官僚政治

candidate / 5kAndidit/ 候选人

cession / 5seFEn/ 割让(土地)

commotion / kE5mEuFEn/ 骚动,暴乱

community / kE5mju:niti/ 社区,

compact / 5kRmpAkt, kEm5pAkt/ 协议

congress / 5kRNgres/ 国会

congressman / 5kRNgresmEn/ 国会议员

conspiracy / kEn5spirEsi/ 阴谋

conspirator / kEn5spirEtE/ 同谋者

constitution / kRnsti5tju:FEn/ 宪法

consul / 5kRnsEl/ 领事

convention / kEn5venFEn/ 惯例

cooperation / kEuRpE5reiFEn/ 合作

custom / 5kQstEm/ 习惯,风俗,海关

delegate / 5deligeit/ 代表

delegation / deli5geiFEn/ 代表团

demonstration / demEn5streiFEn/ 示威

deposition / depE5ziFEn/ 免职

despot / 5despRt/ 暴君

dictator / dik5teitE/ 独裁者

dictatorship / dik5teitEFip/ 独裁政权

diplomacy / di5plEumEsi/ 外交政策

diplomat / 5diplEmAt/ 外交官

discrimination / diskrimi5neiFEn/ 岐视

dominion / dE5minjEn/ 领土,主权,统治

embassy / 5embEsi/ 大使馆

emperor / 5empErE/ 皇帝

empire / 5empaiE/ 帝国

ferment / 5fE:ment/ 动乱

government / 5gQvEnmEnt/ 政府,内阁

governor / 5gQvEnE/ 统治者

hegemony / hi:5dVemEni/ 霸权

ideology / aidi5RlEdVi/ 意识形态

kingdom / 5kiNdEm/ 王国

legion / 5li:dVEn/ 军团

monarch / 5mRnEk/ 帝王

monarchy / mRnEki/ 君主政体

motion / 5mEuFEn/ 动议

movement / 5mu:vmEnt/ 运动

nationality / nAFE5nAliti/ 国籍

oligarchy / 5Rliga:ki/ 寡头政治

pact / pAkt/ 协定,条约

petition / pi5tiFEn/ 请愿

philanthropy / fi5lAnWrEpi/ 博爱,仁慈

policy / 5pRlisi/ 政策,方针

poll / pEul/ 民意测验

prejudice / 5predVudis/ 偏见

proposition / prRpE5ziFEn/ 建议

rebel / 5rebEl, ri5bel/ 叛乱者

rebellion / ri5beljEn/ 叛乱

regime / rei5Vi:m/ 政权

republic / ri5pQblik/ 共和国

resolution / rezE5lju:FEn/ 革命

slogan / 5slEugEn/ 口号

sovereignty / 5sRvrinti/ 主权,独立国

spokesman / 5spEuksmEn/ 发言人,代表者

statesman / 5steitsmEn/ 政治家

treaty / 5tri:ti/ 条约

tumult / 5tju:mQlt/ 骚动

turbulence / 5tE:bjulEns/ 骚动

turmoil / 5tE:mRil/ 骚动,混乱

tyranny / 5tirEni/ 暴政

tyrant / 5taiErEnt/ 暴君

upheaval / Qp5hi:vl/ 暴动

uprising / Qp5raiziN/ 起义

usurper / ju:5zE:pE/ 篡夺者

usurpation / juzE5peFEn/ 篡权

vote / vEut/ 投票,选举


  1. 2008年3月7日布什谈论经济原文及MP3资料

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentBushDiscussesEconomy   THE PRESIDENT: Earlier today I spoke with members of my economic team. They updated me on the state of our economy. This morning we learned ...

  2. 3月29日美国总统每周电台发言原文资料及现场MP3

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentsRadioAddress   THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Its not every day that Americans look forward to hearing from the Internal Revenue Service, bu...

  3. 2008年3月13日布什精彩演讲原文及MP3资料

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentBushDiscussesFISA   THE PRESIDENT: Last month House leaders declared that they needed 21 additional days to pass legislation giving our intelligence professionals ...

  4. 4月3日布什出席北大西洋峰会讲话原文及MP3

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
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  5. 3月31日布什前往大西洋公约组织会议讲话及MP3

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentBushDepartsforNATOSummit   THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Laura and I are on our way to a very important NATO summit, and members of the United States Congress are o...

  6. 2008年3月14日布什精彩演讲原文及MP3资料

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentBushVisitstheEconomicClubofNewYork   THE PRESIDENT: Glenn, thanks for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to speak to the Economic Club of New Yor...

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    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    <P class=0 style="LAYOUT-GRID-MODE: char"><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: rgb(0,51,153); FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial'; mso-spacerun: 'yes...

  8. 3月15日美国总统每周电台发言原文及现场MP3资料

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    President'sRadioAddress   THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Friday, I traveled to New York City to talk about the state of our economy. This is a top...

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    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    PresidentBushParticipatesinJointPressAvailabilitywithPresidentViktorYushchenkoofUkraine   PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO: (As translated.) Dear Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and ...

  10. 4月5日美国总统每周电台发言讲话原文及MP3

    Notice: Use of undefined constant ‘the_content’ - assumed '‘the_content’' in D:\wwwroot\cnuniwords\wwwroot\wp-content\themes\uniwords\single-translation-news.php on line 47
    President'sRadioAddress   THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from Europe, where I attended the NATO summit and witnessed the hopeful pr...

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