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下面我举一段《鹿鼎记》第八回《佳客偶逢如有约 盛名长恐见无因》的例子看翻译是怎么解决一些问题的,译者John Minford,翻译过《道德经》《周易》《孙子兵法》《聊斋志异》《红楼梦》,是一个很有经验和学养的英国汉学家。

When the other Masters had gone, the Helmsman took Trinket by the hand and led him back to the room where he had had his interview.

点评:香主译为Master,总舵主译为Helmsman,韦小宝译作Trinket Wei。

‘In the Bridge of Heaven district of Peking,’ he told Trinket when they were alone together, ‘there is an old man called Xu who sells medicated plasters.


You can tell him apart from the other plaster-sellers because they all have a black plaster displayed on their flags, but the one on his flag is red and green. If you ever want to get in touch with me about anything, go to the Bridge of Heaven and look for this old man.


When you’ve found him, you must say, “Have you got anything for tartar poisoning?” You know, “tartar” as in tartar emetic–the stuff they use in medicine.

点评:关键点来了,「清毒复明」是双关语,既是医学术语,又指「反清复明」的天地会宗旨。如果直译很难处理,作者改为tartar poisoning,tartar是一种药物,也可以是鞑靼人,多指蒙古、突厥族源的北部少数民族,和「满清鞑子」不完全是一回事,但北方少数民族总是被汉族泛称为「鞑子」,也算是双关起来了。译者还在最后面增加了一句解释性的话,帮助读者理解。

He’ll say, “Yes, but it’s very expensive. Three taels of gold and three taels of silver.” Then if you say, “Would you take five taels of gold and five taels of silver for it?” he’ll know who you are.’ Trinket was intrigued. That’s a funny sort of bargaining–offering five taels when the price is only three, ‘ said Trinket laughing. ‘It’s a safeguard, ‘ said the Helmsman with his little smile. ‘Just in case someone did, by pure coincidence, ask for a cure for tartar poisoning. When he hears you offering five taels of gold and five taels of silver, he’ll ask you why you want to pay so much, and you must say, “It’s not a lot. I’d do anything at all to get rid of the Tartar poison.”




Then he’ll ask you, “Which Lodge beside the Red Flower Pavilion?” and you must say, “The Green Wood one.”

Then he’ll ask you, “Who burns the joss-sticks in the Lodge?” and you say, “The Master.”




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