学任何一门语言都一定要抛弃“速成”的目标 学语言没有捷径 ,贵在坚持。 如果要说入门阶段的话 建议字母和语音同时进行 个人觉得一门语言在语法方面掌握的再透彻 如果口音方面有严重问题的话 就是白搭 此时可以辅助用一些初级介绍俄语语音学的书 还可以放一些俄语广播或电视新闻 感受一下。 这个基础一定要打稳了。
语法建议要用译制于俄语语法的专著(如грамматика80 – 有中文译本),此时可以辅助一些大学教材。 有兴趣的话 电影也可以提高兴趣 但是电影里的用语毕竟是写出来的 所以可能不够自然 如果想学纯正的日常用语又没有环境的话 那么可以选择一些bloger的视频 那些用语很纯生活 语法学习阶段 非常不建议以外教为主 因为在对一门语言的语法理解上 往往本国人和外国人的理解是不相同的 对于初级阶段的学习者来说 出自同一国家的人的解释会更加易懂。 还有一个可以养成的爱好:闲来无事时可以翻翻字典 各种类型的都可以 有助提高兴趣) 总的来说 不能心急是原则 要享受过程。
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THE PRESIDENT: Earlier today I spoke with members of my economic team. They updated me on the state of our economy. This morning we learned ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Its not every day that Americans look forward to hearing from the Internal Revenue Service, bu...
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THE PRESIDENT: Last month House leaders declared that they needed 21 additional days to pass legislation giving our intelligence professionals ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, President Basescu, thank you all very much. For nearly six decades the NATO Alli...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Laura and I are on our way to a very important NATO summit, and members of the United States Congress are o...
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THE PRESIDENT: Glenn, thanks for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to speak to the Economic Club of New Yor...
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<P class=0 style="LAYOUT-GRID-MODE: char"><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: rgb(0,51,153); FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial'; mso-spacerun: 'yes...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Friday, I traveled to New York City to talk about the state of our economy. This is a top...
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PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO: (As translated.) Dear Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from Europe, where I attended the NATO summit and witnessed the hopeful pr...