多年前,本人就开始关注徐向东先生,他1986年毕业于北京大学(时年21岁);1995年进入哥伦比亚大学哲学系深造,师从著名哲学家涛慕思·博格(Thomas Pogge)和菲利普·佩蒂特(Philip Pettit),仅用四年时间就完成博士论文并通过答辩取得了学位;迄今出版了5部专著,11部译著,发表论文四十多篇,绝大部分是2002年归国后完成的,在国内哲学界产生了广泛的影响。当哲学界很多学者和学生对国人的学术著作冷眼以对,甚至不读国内学者著作时,我依然对徐先生充满信心,曾认真拜读过他的许多著作。
2012年夏,在翻阅英国哲学家伯纳德·威廉斯与功利主义的相关文献时,我看到伊丽莎白·阿西福德在《哲学杂志》上发表的论文《功利主义,完整性与偏倚性》[Ashford,Elizabeth. “Utilitarianism, Integrity, and Partiality”, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol.97, No.8 (Aug.,2000), pp.421-439。以下简称“阿文”],感觉似曾相识。回忆过往已读材料,想起徐向东著《自我、他人与道德》(商务印书馆,2007)第11章,与阿文有不少雷同之处:
疑点一:徐著(p.656)提及功利主义者面对三种可能生活的例子,而这个例子与阿文引用罗格·克利斯伯(Roger Crisp)所述例子类似;
前几日,本人在网上与学友交流对徐向东著作的看法。根据学友提供的信息,《自我》中的很多段落,编译自詹姆斯·雷切尔的《道德哲学基础》(James Rachels, 2003, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 4th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill),该书是英美哲学界颇有影响的一本伦理学导论性教材。网友发来一个对照表(附后),我逐条复核,涉及26页内容,据保守估计,每页平均有60%以上的重合度(根据中文页计算),而其中有不少页,几乎是逐字逐句译自《道德哲学基础》一书的相关章节!
为了谨慎起见,本人再次细读《自我》的序言,徐向东说:“此外,James Rachels和Louise Pojman各自撰写的两本优秀教科书为本书前两部分的写作提供了一个范例,而且,在那两个部分的一些地方,我也引用了他们著作中的一些材料,谨此向他们表示感谢。”(《自我》p.4)鉴于这种提及和感谢,《自我》是否仅仅属于“引用不当”呢?
“According to utilitarianism, although the third life may deprive Anna of central components of a flourishing life, it is nevertheless the right life to choose.……Intuitively, however, it seems clear that she also has an extremely strong prudential reason to choose the second life over the third. A life such as the third, which involves giving up close relationships and other personal projects, could feel impoverished in many ways.”(“Utilitarianism, Integrity, and Partiality” p.427)
“Many religious people believe that they must accept a theological conception of right and wrong because it would be impious not to do so. They feel,somehow, that if they believe in God,they should say that right and wrong are to be defined in terms of his will. …… It suggests that,on the contrary, the Divine Command Theory itself leads to impious results,so that a devout person should not accept it. And in fact,some of the greatest theologians,such as St. Thomas Aquinas, rejected the theory for just this reason.” (The Elements of Moral Philosophy, p.53)
Ⅰ.徐向东,《自我、他人与道德》,2007, 北京:商务印书馆
Ⅱ.James Rachels, 2003, The Elements of Moral Philosophy,4th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill
Ⅲ.Ashford, Elizabeth, “Utilitarianism, Integrity, and Partiality”,The Journal of Philosophy,Vol.97,No.8(Aug.2000),pp. 421-439
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