您的位置:上海翻译公司>翻译资讯>同一条路上仨路牌 翻译都整岔劈了
这是什么意思?看过中文路名,市民刘先生知道原来路牌“STONG”的翻译是黑石礁的“石”(英文“STONE”)。“这不闹笑话吗?沿途还有两个呢! ”刘先生称这些旅顺南路上的路牌错处虽然不易察觉,但作为旅游城市,存在这样的失误还是挺“掉价”的。
刘先生家住大连市内。清明节期间,刘先生在国外就业多年的女儿、女婿回到家中,打算和家人一起上山祭拜故人。当天,全家人驱车前往,走的是旅顺南路。“去的时候意外看到了一个,回来的时候留心观察,又发现两个。 ”
刘先生说他们是要到旅顺玉皇顶公墓祭拜。去时在英歌石附近,行车方向一侧,一块名为“世外桃源休闲村”的指示牌引起了他们的注意。“我女儿一开始没看懂英文,让女婿看,也不懂,后来一想,可能是拼错了。 ”刘先生说指示牌上的翻译将“our”写成了“ous”,将“of peace”中间的空格略掉了,写成“ofpeace”,“乍一看以为是一个单词”。
其实都是小马虎 赶紧改了吧
在旅顺往大连方向距离黑石礁9公里处,路边的一块大型指示路牌上,将黑石礁的 “石”字的英文写成“STONG(此单词原为法语词,意为‘强迫的方法’)”,而实际上应该是“STONE”,差了一个字母;
而在河口湾附近的一块大型指示路牌上,“高新区管委会”的英文翻译中,意为“管理”的英文“ADMINIS-TRATIVE”被写成了“ADIMINSTRATIVE”。仔细看才能发现, 前两个“I”的位置穿插错了。
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THE PRESIDENT: Earlier today I spoke with members of my economic team. They updated me on the state of our economy. This morning we learned ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Its not every day that Americans look forward to hearing from the Internal Revenue Service, bu...
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THE PRESIDENT: Last month House leaders declared that they needed 21 additional days to pass legislation giving our intelligence professionals ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Secretary General, President Basescu, thank you all very much. For nearly six decades the NATO Alli...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Laura and I are on our way to a very important NATO summit, and members of the United States Congress are o...
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THE PRESIDENT: Glenn, thanks for the kind introduction. Thanks for giving me a chance to speak to the Economic Club of New Yor...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Friday, I traveled to New York City to talk about the state of our economy. This is a top...
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PRESIDENT YUSHCHENKO: (As translated.) Dear Mr. President, excellencies, ladies and ...
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THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. I'm speaking to you from Europe, where I attended the NATO summit and witnessed the hopeful pr...